Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a Tale of Dark Prince n Princess

an Ancient T.a.L.e have it that:
"Dark Prince", son of the siLence, covered by Black glossy Flame flaring the entire body..

In the blink, u can see the Silver Light enchanting human eyes flowed from his HeaRT..
it might be quite attractin to most of creatures..
but jst to find the disappointment,
as the dark flame self-barricade from gettin Near.

The HearT waitin silently and lonely, in amidst of the cheerful dancing dark flames..
it builds up the image of the DarK Prince..
SiLence n Lonely in HeaRT with Cheerful n Passion on Surface.

the Wait seems to be Forever,
though in desperation,
the SiLver Light appears far away from the SkY..
An AngeL spread its wings and Light scatters to the HearT.
Unbelievably getting thru the black flame..

The AngeL is invisible yet the light is Near..
Relieving the HEarT.. to put an END of the everlasting SiLence..

The story floatin in the air, on how it ends.
On how when The Dark Prince finally meets the White AngeL
to form the greatest ending to the tale..
To end it with Dark Prince n Princess left to tell.

When they meet, will it means the tale as usual..
Will the usual ending of "Prince and princess live happily ever after"..
applied to Dark Prince n Princess...

Again.. i can only say...
We S.H.A.L.L See...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

its me on 2009..

There is a saying of:
"Taking the 1st step is like achieving half of the Success itself"

I have been read'n and listen'n to plentiful of wishing and hope of better 2009.
by doing so.... i believe that...
it's a nice way to engrave the confidence and relieve in one's heart and mind.
after an unprecedented year of 2008...

This post is to remind myself of something i'd like to do in 2009.
to embrace with the power of beginning and miracle of starting the new year of 2009.
These are the targets (or they call it "Resolution") for my year of 2009:
1. SLeep early (<12 nite) and wake up early (<7 morning) except for weekend.
2. Eat modest breakfast, a bit heavier lunch and light dinner (most of the time will be oatmeal, if possible).
3. Exercising more, jogging at least once a month.
4. Try more new stuffs, target: Hot Yoga, Yong Chun, cycling.
5. Read more books, target: Ben Graham, Warren Buffett, Phil Fisher, Liam Hearn, Stephanie Meyer etc..
6. S.T.o.P diversifying the attention, keep focus on the one that i prefer and suitable for me.
7. Meeting up with ppl that i should have met up earlier in my life.
8. S.T.o.P being too ignorant, Lazy and too careless free.
9. Just Continue to be myself.

Let's dun regret the future me by when he is looking back and be proud of what i have achieved of. and i can only say ... we shall see..