Wednesday, September 9, 2009

我 和 你...的旋律


.......无痕迹 的...掩盖 着 ..
我们 的 ... 距离
和 一直 ... 存在 的.. 脆弱

拉着.. 我们.. 在原地徘徊..
让我们 各自.. 在不同的旋律 慢步..
制造 着...
足以..让.. 魔术师.. 嫉妒 的.. 神秘世界...


我还 ..一直.. 跑着...
直到 ..感觉 ..不到 空气 时..
才.. 发现..
我忘了... 停下脚步...

才.. 发现..
原来.. 我 一直.. 拉着 你的 小手..
慌茫 的 往前..

当我.. 醒来...
原来... 我 和 你... 的 距离..
模糊 的..
让我.. 平静.. 的接受...了...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a Tale of Dark Prince n Princess

an Ancient T.a.L.e have it that:
"Dark Prince", son of the siLence, covered by Black glossy Flame flaring the entire body..

In the blink, u can see the Silver Light enchanting human eyes flowed from his HeaRT..
it might be quite attractin to most of creatures..
but jst to find the disappointment,
as the dark flame self-barricade from gettin Near.

The HearT waitin silently and lonely, in amidst of the cheerful dancing dark flames..
it builds up the image of the DarK Prince..
SiLence n Lonely in HeaRT with Cheerful n Passion on Surface.

the Wait seems to be Forever,
though in desperation,
the SiLver Light appears far away from the SkY..
An AngeL spread its wings and Light scatters to the HearT.
Unbelievably getting thru the black flame..

The AngeL is invisible yet the light is Near..
Relieving the HEarT.. to put an END of the everlasting SiLence..

The story floatin in the air, on how it ends.
On how when The Dark Prince finally meets the White AngeL
to form the greatest ending to the tale..
To end it with Dark Prince n Princess left to tell.

When they meet, will it means the tale as usual..
Will the usual ending of "Prince and princess live happily ever after"..
applied to Dark Prince n Princess...

Again.. i can only say...
We S.H.A.L.L See...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

its me on 2009..

There is a saying of:
"Taking the 1st step is like achieving half of the Success itself"

I have been read'n and listen'n to plentiful of wishing and hope of better 2009.
by doing so.... i believe that...
it's a nice way to engrave the confidence and relieve in one's heart and mind.
after an unprecedented year of 2008...

This post is to remind myself of something i'd like to do in 2009.
to embrace with the power of beginning and miracle of starting the new year of 2009.
These are the targets (or they call it "Resolution") for my year of 2009:
1. SLeep early (<12 nite) and wake up early (<7 morning) except for weekend.
2. Eat modest breakfast, a bit heavier lunch and light dinner (most of the time will be oatmeal, if possible).
3. Exercising more, jogging at least once a month.
4. Try more new stuffs, target: Hot Yoga, Yong Chun, cycling.
5. Read more books, target: Ben Graham, Warren Buffett, Phil Fisher, Liam Hearn, Stephanie Meyer etc..
6. S.T.o.P diversifying the attention, keep focus on the one that i prefer and suitable for me.
7. Meeting up with ppl that i should have met up earlier in my life.
8. S.T.o.P being too ignorant, Lazy and too careless free.
9. Just Continue to be myself.

Let's dun regret the future me by when he is looking back and be proud of what i have achieved of. and i can only say ... we shall see..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

StaR Buck in Xmas

Yesterday my colleague TF informed me dat
"Starbuck is going to give Free drink on 5-7 PM tomorrow".. (which is today)..
She was about to send me the promotion pic which i rejected for i was already anticipatin for dat from last Monday.

So quite obviously dat i wouldn't miss the rare chance..
for i had got myself 7 greentea frappes just for last month alone.

I went to Vivocity level 1 starbuck (there ar 2 starbucks), its a long queue as expected.
but it caught me by surprise as i had only waited for <20 mins..
ohh great.. en yes... greentea frappe is available.. (all drinks are free - only tall size though).
so i got myself a greentea frappe.. my fav drink for now.. (some1 told me its not gud to drink something so sweet occasionally.. ehmm she is rite.. but i jst can't resist)..

but i have no idea whether is it becos i din giv donation at starbuck door (for charity) that..
the frappe had a lot of rough ice and few small ice cube...
ehmmm.. see .. I am jst dat sensitive..
ehmmm.. maybe i was expecting them... to say "Hey u, we are watchin ya".. :p

Ok jst to wrap this up..
the free starbuck is to celebrate XMas, so it will most probably be on every December..
lets get another for next year then.. if starbuck is still around then..
which i am sure it will be the case....
CheeRs.. Greentea Frappe Rozk...

Monday, December 1, 2008

a - S.H.o.C.K - on X'Mas Month..

Tales spoken that X'Mas is the Cheerful Moment..Magical happiness..
is that just a mere beautified tale?
Wateve it is, there is always hope when we reach XMas month.

So finally we have reached our X'Mas month.
Our dept has started to plan for xmas party..
Everyone seem to be expecting the cheerful moment in a way or another.
it's at least a moment of relief after full year of fire fighting, burning-out at work.

Today is the 1st day of X'Mas month 2008, the right moment to wish for a brighter months even years ahead.

So here it is, as the story will be told by itself, my beginning of XMas month 2008 goes:
* We was having our biweekly IT dept meeting this morning (9 AM sharp - with not intention to promote any brand).
It was as expected.. another IT meeting with us reporting our working progress to Big Boss.
and as usual, quite alot of lecturing from Big Boss,
(my gut feel starting to tell me that this was not a perfect way to start the 1st day of XMas month)

Eventually the dept meeting finished by about 11 AM, and we went for lunch (with our OP members: HM, HL and me).
It was a nice moment as usual as well.

and to cut the story short, the things went just fine until we received a sms from our beloved Manager saying that he wanted to meet us in the meeting room just for 5 mins.

We tot it would be another meeting we had previously as he guided us on how to resolve our issues (and guess wat, we found that we were actually enjoying that kinda of meeting).
He is a super nice guy.. I could easily find myself guilty just by looking at him.

So we just went to 3rd floor serapong room as usual and he was there as usual as well waiting for us.
after a few chit chat and jokes as we normally do.
he started the session by telling us a S.H.o.C.K message that he is going to tender his resignation.
We were all feeling nothing but SHOCK...

I still couldn't believe it that after work i sent him a sms tellin him that,
I really wish that he will tell me that this is just his another joke...
but i knoe that it is obviously NOT.

I finally started to realize that either i am so easily touched by this kind of weak feelin or he is just dunno since when have became one of my reason of staying in my current job.
I believe that it is obviously the later that convincing me more ...

this feeling is like losing your leader during the war.
but again, wateve he has decided, i believe it would serve him better.
its always not easy to let go of someone nice.
but to let the nice to be greater good, it would be worth a try.

Anyway all i can say is all the best as i have said in my sms to him during his just passed Bday.
"Wish you all the happiness, health, money and prosperity in the world"

is this just another "c'est la vie" ... i really dunno knoe..
Do we have to be fierce .. just in order not to be bullied by other people..
Can't we just be nice although other ppl takes advantage from us
let it be a food of thought... but i definitely give the initial a big NO.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Digest for "Unprecedented" 2008

"2008" has been and still is an unprecedented year..

Beijing Olympic 888 (8 aug 08) signaled the bLoody deep red to the Stock Market, chained to Financial Market and followed by Main Market...

This thread is JUST to remind us, (more to myself) of these following "Key-points":

1. WorLD in Recession - 2008

Market plunged pretty badly during Oct 2008 (which we might call it bottom).
Again it might not bottom as the bottom now seems like bottomless.

This time the virus hit the heart of the world (currently obviously is still America) just to spread out widely to the rest of the world:

* Subprime Mortgage in America
- Started from Dec 2007 until NOW..
Note: Mortgage is given to ppl who obviously cannot afford to pay.
Next mortgage casualties MIGHT be Europe and last but not least emerging market.

* Credit Crunch
- Due to Lehman Brother bankruptcy (15 Sept 2008)
AIG saved by Government (14 Sept 2008) - $ 40 Billion
Merryll Lynch sold itself to Bank of America (14 Sept 2008) - $50 Billion
Goldman Sach saved by Warren Buffett (24 Sep 2008) - $5 Billion
- Market Confidence Ruined
- Banks' market value hardly hit, causing Credit Crunch.
- Credit Crunch eased due to Bail out from world governments and Central banks cutting interest rate (ar we movin toward socialism?)
- Stock market plunged deeply by End of Oct 2008, leaving most of the investor in deep shxx (yep u ar rite, I am not spared)
- Oil hiked to >$145 in June 08 just to slump to below $50
- Oct and Nov 2008 have the same keyword "volatility", market could swing up or down for 10% in a day.

2. My personal life (in recession?)
* Falling in L.O.V.E with Starbuck Greentea Frappe during my trip to Bangkok (6-13 Aug 2008), it has been my loyal weekend companion since then.
* First time watching F1 Live in Singapore (first F1 Nite race)
* First time working during the New Year Eve (enjoying SEntosa beach party)
* 3rd time finding someone special and enjoying talking to her for a long long time.
* First time renting a full flat in Singapore (share with my best 4 "gays" housemate) - address had been censored due to overwhelming responses.
* First time bought Stocks
* First time have Personal Financial Report, insurance and fund.

Ehmm ehmm yep yep..
u ar rite.. its not end of year 2008 yet..
I am just being a bit "anxious" that i might forget to note down this interesting and "Unprecedented" year of C.Ri.SiS somewhere that I might lose it from my mind in future glorious years.

Let's wrap this up once we pass through 2009.

Friday, November 7, 2008

H.e.R.D vs H.o.P.P-ing

H.u.M.A.N NOT.... A.N.i.M.A.L ...
i definitely AGREE

Human is HighesT quality AnimaL ...
i definitely CAN NOT DiSaGRee as weLL...

i believe Human Should and Need to live as Herd.

the word "Herd" as u could easily find by GoogL-ing:
"A herd is a large group of animals. The term is usually applied to mammals, particularly"... bla bla bla...(another 3 Long paragraphs)..

in simple layman term: "a group of animaLs that LiVE or are Kept TOGETHER"

We, as human, have behavior to follow others and live as a society.
in contrast, when time passes by, we always try to be "Different"
to be U.N.i.Q.U.E

Keepin yourself LonG enough in same herd will make u tempted to HoP and H.O.P and MoVe forward to find a "Different" bunch of ppl ... just to fulfill your need to be "Different"...

But in the end of the sTory.. the same ending is lying there..
You realize you are just falling into Another Herd...

and YeT.. you will start another same sTory ..
that you have already known what the ending will turn out to be..

Having said that, each SToRies have their own MoraLe and Memories that waiTin for you to discover and to memorize through out your LiFe..

JusT to CoLorize and CheeR up this ShorT and emptyNess LiFe...